DailyMail – Nov 5, 2018 – Ian Thorpe

As one of Australia’s most recognizable Olympians, Ian Thorpe turned heads when he seemed to debut a new nose last week. While the 36-year-old has yet to comment on his ‘new’ look, celebrity plastic surgeon Dr Randal Haworth believes it’s clear that the star has gone under the knife.
‘It is clear as day that Mr. Thorpe had a rhinoplasty,’ Dr Haworth exclusively to Daily Mail Australia on Tuesday. Dr Haworth went on to explain what he thinks are tell-tale signs Ian has had a rhinoplasty. ‘The dorsal hump of his bridge has been significantly lowered so that his tip now over projects from his face,’ he claimed. He also perceived that Ian’s nose displays ‘an obvious inverted V deformity’ on its bridge and a ‘step off from the nasal bones onto the cartilage portions below.’
‘Usually, this is associated with some breathing obstruction in his nose and is more often than not caused by a rhinoplasty performed through a ‘closed’ technique,’ he said, adding: ‘This is where a plastic surgeon performs the nose job solely through incisions confined to the inside the nose.’ Dr Haworth went on to reveal that an ‘open’ technique allows the surgeon better visualization and direction over both the shape of the nose and its use of breathing.
Full ArticleA leading plastic surgeon assumes that Aisha Jade may have undergone a breast enlargement while chasing her Hollywood dreams.
Dr Randal Haworth told Daily Mail Australia on Wednesday that the 26-year-old socialite appears to have had a ‘silicone gel implant placed under the muscle’. He explained: ‘I opine that she underwent a breast augmentation, most likely utilizing a cohesive silicone gel implant placed under the muscle. ‘I like the way it has provided proportional balance to her body.’
Dr Haworth added: ‘This type of result typically gives a woman added confidence both in and out of clothes.’
Aisha regularly shares bikini-clad photos of herself with her 342,000 Instagram followers but does to appear to have addressed her changing physique.
Full ArticleEarlier this year, a leading Beverly Hills plastic surgeon declared that Iggy Azalea may have made changes to her facial shape by undergoing a ‘chin augmentation’ among other procedures. In June, Dr. Randal Haworth, the CEO of DrHaworth.com, told Daily Mail Australia that he believes the rapper could have made further changes to her facial shape. According to Dr. Haworth, who has not treated Iggy himself, the Australian musician appears to have invested in some ‘subtle’ and ‘beautiful’ refinements.
‘Iggy is what I would describe as an excellent “canvas” on which a plastic surgeon can reveal his work,’ he claimed. ‘When done right, results can be sublime and indiscernible to a layman’s eye. In the absence of rare complications, less surgical work is needed to create the beautiful, yet subtle, results as exemplified by Ms Azalea – while a less-than-average surgeon could draw unwanted attention to an anatomical “flaw” which only makes things worse.’ said Dr Haworth.
In addition to Iggy’s rhinoplasty, which ‘straightened and narrowed her nose’, Dr. Haworth believes she may have undergone ‘a chin augmentation as well as mandibular angle enhancement to give her a more refined, “modelesque” jawline’.
‘This can be done either with solid silicone implants or off-the-shelf injectable fillers, but either way, her results are spectacularly non-obvious,’ he claimed. ‘As I say, “Good plastic surgery is invisible.”‘
Full ArticleKyly Clarke’s unexpected physical change has generated a lot of speculation over the past few years. A leading plastic surgeon has declared the 37-year-old’s changing looks over the years could be the result of a subtle mixture of DIY ‘tricks’.
‘It is amazing what a different hairstyle, well-contoured makeup and perhaps some “photoshopping” can do to make anyone look like a superstar,’ Dr Randal Haworth told Daily Mail Australia on Tuesday. Despite the fact she’s nearing her forties, Dr Haworth recognized how Kyly has undergone a ‘startling transformation’ in recent years.
‘Most people I know would seize the opportunity to look better if given half a chance – and nowadays they can without even stepping foot in a plastic surgeon’s office,’ said Dr Haworth. ‘Her straight brunette hair contributes a good deal to her change (she was formerly blonde) and perhaps deftly applied makeup.’
Dr Haworth noted that while makeup can certainly help change the appearance of facial features, he assumed Kyly’s ‘higher hairline gives a subtle clue’ that she is taking advantage of a simple ‘DIY’ beauty hack.
‘Sometimes Kyly seems to employ the old trick of pulling your hair tightly back into a ponytail for a quick tightening fix of the eyebrows and upper face,’ he said. ‘Even though she looks different, as a hyperaesthetic plastic surgeon, I feel that Kyly looks great.’
Full ArticleErin Molan has stated her nose is 100% natural after claims she ‘invested in under the radar’ cosmetic work.
Dr Randal Haworth claimed she has possibly undergone a breast augmentation, non-surgical fillers and a potentially ‘subtle’ rhinoplasty.
CEO of DrHaworth.com told Daily Mail Australia: ‘Erin has opted for a “less is more” approach in regards to maintaining and enhancing her facial appearance. This is often the wisest choice for those who make their living in front of the camera.’
He continued: ‘In certain photographs, her nose now appears slimmer even though it still retains her characteristic round tip and overly arched nostrils. A subtle rhinoplasty would have accomplished this. It is also apparent that her lips were likely enhanced with an off-the-shelf injectable filler such as Juvéderm or Restylane lending her a more pleasingly plump pout. However, describing the specifics of her enhancement is more challenging because Erin has adopted a relatively conservative wardrobe when flaunting her physique.’
Further more, Dr Haworth stated the supposed surgical conclusion was ‘in proportion to the rest of her body… thus avoiding a potentially jarring transformation’.
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